Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My ASM Manual Just Arrived

Finally, the ASM Manual I ordered about a week ago has arrived. It doesn't look as thick as I expected it to be, but do not judge a book by its cover. There are tons of material in this manual I'll have to go over before the November testing period. It's a good thing I have so much time before testing because I anticipate a lot of potential distractions stemming from school, friends, family, work, etc.... Too bad they didn't make the manual spiral bound or else I wouldn't have to go out and get a binder or some loose rings to keep the manual together. Well, whatever the case, my studying period for Exam P has officially begun.


Grateful said...

I hope you enjoy studying for Exam P.
For me it was lots of fun doing tons of problems and previous exams(even redo some of previous exams).
However,real exam was really tough.
Good luck!!

Troll said...


Thanks. I hope I'll enjoy the studying process as well haha. That sure would make my chances of passing improve.